whole-grain wheat flour
Made of whole-grain wheat and contains all its components: embryo, grain and coating. This product is rich in fibres and nutritional substances, vitamin B and also vitamins A and E, microelements required to ensure proper exchange processes in a human body: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, copper, zinc, magnesium, chrome, selenium and others.
spelt wheat flour
Spelt contains 27-37% of protein that includes 18 irreplaceable valuable amino acids. Compared to ordinary wheat, spelt has several times more magnesium, iron, zinc and vitamins, such as B1 – thiamine, B2 – riboflavin, B6 – pyridoxine, B9 – folic acid as well as vitamins E and PP. Spelt also contains calcium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, selenium and manganese.
Whole-grain rye flour
Produced while whole meal one-sort milling of whole grain rye. Contains great amount of coating (20-25%) and that is why its colour has grey or brown shade, size of particles in such flour is irregular. This type of flour has supreme biological value; it preserves all parts of whole grains including grain embryos and coating.
barley flour
Made of high-quality whole-grain barley. Contains organic acids, fibres, microelements and it is rich in the following vitamins and minerals: B1 and PP, magnesium, phosphorus. Chemical composition and properties of this flour are similar to rye flour. It contains lots of cellulose and acerb substances that give bread rough flavour. When it comes to water absorption capacity, barley flour surpasses wheat and rye flour. It has moderate and not bright odour with delicate nutty flavour, makes pastry soft.
oatmeal flour
Made of high-quality premium-grade oat grains, stands out for low amount contents of starch and fat. Contains all irreplaceable amino acids, vitamins B, A and E, enzymes, microelements, mineral salts.
whole-grain oatmeal flour
Made of whole-grain oats. It contains all amino acids irreplaceable for people such as tyrosine and choline, calcium and phosphorus mineral salts, enzymes, essential oil and easily digestible carbohydrates. Moreover, whole-grain oatmeal flour is rich in vitamins B, E and PP and includes microelements, among them rare enough silicium responsible for normal metabolism.
buckwheat flour
Made of pilled, steamed buckwheat grains ground into fine flour. Rich in vitamins B1, B2, PP and P, microelements: iron, phosphorus, copper that promote rehabilitation of hemoglobin in blood and increase physical stamina. It has brownish-grey or cream colours and racy flavour.
Flour is made from high-quality whole grains of millet using a special technology. During processing, all the useful properties of the grain are preserved. It is used for making pancakes, puddings, pasta, cookies and as an additive for baking bread and bakery products.
Flour is made from long-grain high-quality rice, pre-steamed. During processing, all the useful properties of rice grains are preserved. It is rich in starch, contains proteins, vitamins, minerals. They contain a lot of phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin PP and a moderate content of potassium, iron, as well as dietary fiber.
Flour is made from whole corn grains in a gentle way, in which all useful and nutritious substances are preserved as much as possible. Corn flour contains a large amount of iron and vitamin B1 (thiamine). In ready-made dishes, it gives a feeling of satiety, with a small number of calories. It is used for making pancakes, puddings, pasta, cookies and as an additive for baking bread and bakery products.
Rye flour with malt
Flour is made by grinding selected sprouted rye grain, stewed in a natural way. When languishing, organic acids are formed, malt acquires a brown color and a bread flavor. It is a valuable nutritious product containing protein with a full set of essential amino acids, such as lysine, threonine and valine, easily digestible polysaccharides: glucose, fructose, maltose, dextran.
WHEAT FLOUR with malt
Flour is made by grinding selected sprouted fermented grains of spring wheat. The use of salted flour in the preparation of various bakery products significantly increases their nutritional value.